Sunday, December 16, 2007

Warcraft III world edit

For those of you who have played the popular game of warcraft III did you know you can actually edit and change your favorite levels? well if you didn't heres how. first go to your warcraft III folder (that was installed when you first downloaded Warcraft III) and scroll down to the bottom and look for a application called World Edit. open it and enjoy. 
Happy Gaming! :]

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Good Games don't have to be First Person Shooters

Most popular games for the XBox 360 and PS3 are mostly first person shooters, such as the Halo series and Kane and Lynch. However, most Wii games are not, and proves that most fun games don't have to be first person shooters (FPS). Take Wii sports, for example. People made Wii bowling leagues. Nintendo has moved out of the general video game market and is pioneering a new market of less twitch games and games more for active, normal people. 
Happy Gaming! :]

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

XKCD rocks!

this is hilarious. And if you didn't know I love ferrets!!!!!!! :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Sonic Series

The Sonic Series was made by the company SEGA. Sonic originated on SEGA's original consoles but suddenly SEGA decided to stop making consoles and only make games forcing the Sonic series to split to other consoles like the PS2, Nintendo, and Xbox. Many Sonic games were made for these companies but they made the most for Nintendo. SEGA has only made 3 sonic related games for the Wii called Sonic and the secret rings, and Super smash brothers brawl, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games. There has been a lot of discussion about if Sonic is in Super smash brothers brawl or not but new data was let out that he is indeed a player. So any way...
Happy Gaming! :]

Friday, November 23, 2007

Dragon Quest Review

Hi I have a new review this is on Dragon Quest Rocket Slime game for the Nintendo DS. This game is quite a long game and also a great one. In the game you are one of the creatures called a slime from the original Dragon Quest game. The main goal of the game is to rescue all the other slimes from the Plobs a organization of gangsters with the gigantic tank you will find. I'm not going to give all the fun stuff away so I will leave you with a total over all score of the game from 1-5 stars, I give it a 5 it was great. 
Happy Gaming! :]

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yay glitches

Today, me and my friend are going to post about 2 Super Smash Bros. melee glitches. One, the pancake Kirby glitch. When you do this glitch, Kirby gets flattened; so then he gets REALLY flat. You can only do this glitch with Kirby and Jigglypuff. Here is a quick tutorial:
Get Kirby and 'puff on Final Destination. Have Kirby suck up 'puff. Make Kirby and 'puff go to opposite sides of the stage. Have 'puff charge up her roll attack. Have Kirby puff up into the air and then start charging the roll move. Let Kirby go a little bit before he hits the ground. Release 'puff at the same time you release Kirby. After collision, Kirby should be flatter. Repeat until satisfied. 
Now for the black hole glitch, you will need 4 controllers. First have Fox, Falco, and Peach  as players with one other random person (I suggest Pikachu). Have fox and the random player on a team, Peach on her own, and Falco on his own. Select Battlefield, or if you don't have that, Hyrule works fine. use the infinite gun glitch, and have Fox stand on the left side of the gap between the two stones or platforms, then have Falco stand on the other and have Peach in the gap and random player stand behind Fox with the gun. Have him start firing and have Peavch jump into the stream of bullets. Make the random person stop, than start again. have Peach keep on jumping! Soon, Fox and Falco will be stuck. Have peach throw 10-15 turnips in the green beam. Then hit Falco with your random person. You have a black hole. Do whatever you want! Happy Gaming! :]

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kirby review

I'm planing to posts a new entry every day, but I may not always get but hey, it's a goal. So here's me review for today. This review is for the DS game Kirby Squeak Squad. In this game Kirby goes out to find his recently lost cheese cake that was stolen from him by a unknown bandit. This Kirby game introduces the power for kirby to combined two abilities into one. this game also has a larger amount of abilities. I personally have all ready beaten the game and I give it five stars it was and still is a very enjoyable game. Happy Gaming! :]

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Post

Okay, so you all know about the Super Smash Brothers Brawl game for the Wii and the Super Smash Brothers Melee game for the Game Cube but did you know there was one before that and it was called simply Super Smash Brothers (for the N64). In that game there where 7 stages in all and much less characters to choose from. Even so it was a fantastic game I would give it four and a half stars out of five (it needed more stages).Happy Gaming! :]

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ok first REAL post

First of all I am a collecter of vintage video games but I have nothing agenst the Wii, Xbox 360, or the PS3, it's just not my thing, but I'll still post about it. I was about to say or uh write a reveiw for the Wii. When it first came out people were having a problem with Wii Sports that they would accidently let go of the remote and the wrist strap would come off and the remote would fly forward and break your T.V. Oh no... sad so make sure that wrist strap is tight on when your having a bowling tournament. Happy Gaming! :]


Well you should know that this will be a gamers blog so tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and best of all tell your ferrets. :)

The egg hatches

Yay, the blog has started!!! :)